Format Group (Preservation)
Historic photographs of the people who have lived in the areas that are now part of modern-day Cottonwood Heights.
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Ira Staker, Dord Green. Gary Staker, Carol Green
Iva Alice Alberta Alonzo Green
Iva and Parley Bolliger
Ivor and Eva Boyce Family
Ivor and Grace Boyce
Ivor and Harold Boyce
IvorBoyce children
Ivy Croxford Christensen
Jack and Elmina White Whiting
Jack Whiting in backyard
Jack Whiting looking east toward mountains
Jack Whiting WWI-1917
John Albert Berrett
John Henry Walker and Mary Ann Phillips
John Henry Walker, Mary Alice Graham
John Henry Walker-Irrigation canal
John McGhie family
John Watts Berrett
Joseph Biesinger
Joseph Maxfield Family
Keith Winn
Kenneth Green son of Dord and Lorraine
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